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Entries in 2010 (14)


Pre-PAX Ponderings

I'm sure I've said this all before, but the three days of the year known as the Penny Arcade Expo are some of the happiest of my life.  It's like someone moved E3 into my backyard and turned it into this weird geek woodstock (or "w00tstock" if you will).  My story is the same as many others, growing up watching E3 happen from behind closed doors, dying to know what it must be like to be surrounded by a sea of gaming ecstasy.  I dream that dream no longer.  PAX is better than that dream.

Don't worry, there will more schmaltzy musings on the awesomeness of PAX to come, but let's get down to business:

What can you expect to see from DailyMonotony over the next few days? 

1. Twittering, tweeting, and more twittering. 

I plan to keep a continuous stream of PAX experience flowing via Twitter's magical internet tubes.  Follow me, friend me, come to the site, all will be Spike Jonze-ian portals into my over-stimulated PAX existence.


2. Getting hands-on

I have a list of things with which I've been dying to get some hands-on time, and when I can pull myself away from PAX's many interesting discussion panels, here's a few things I will patiently wait hours in line to play:

3. Rock'n'Rolling all night

The PAX concerts are some of the best around, and this year is particularly awesome.  Friday will feature a night of hard-rocking game inspired rhythms courtesy of Metroid Metal, Anamanguchi, The Protomen, and The Minibosses.

Saturday is, of course, the holy grail: Joco (Jonathan Coulton to you lay folk).  And where one goes the other follows, so naturally the panty-collecting folk duo Paul & Storm will be there as well.  Also, though I've never had the pleasure of seeing one of his concerts, MC Frontalot, the godfather of nerdcore, will be opening Saturday's concert.  

I've got my iPad zippo app primed and ready to go :) 

4. Avoiding the plague like...the plague

Gamers are fun-loving bunch, but they are also carrier for many diseases, including such lovely pathogens as Pax Pox, Nerd Flu, and H1Nerd1.  Hopefully I still have antibodies left from my last run-in with these dreaded diseases, but needless to say, I will go forth armed for bear.


So be on the look out for new posts, pics, maybeevensomevideomaybe, and a torrential deluge of tweets as I jump head first into the world's most ridiculously radical festival of nerddom: PAX.