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Entries in Press Conference (8)


Sony E3 2009

Slim is out, Laser Whips are in

I think it's fair to say that Sony can do no worse in Press Conference-craft than their legendary press conference back in 2006.  Thankfully, having hit bottom, the only direction is up, and despite plodding a bit out of the starting gate, Sony was going warp 9 by the finish with annoucements of new IPs like AgentModnation Racer, and The Last Guardian, big surprises like Final Fantasy XIV Online, to vids, and more importantly, DEMOs (I'm looking at you Nintendo) for exclusives like God of War III, Massive Action Game, and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.  The first hour of the press conference was almost entirely devoted to a landslide of new title's for the PSP and its newly announced, smaller cousin, PSP Go.

Sony was also clearly out to adjust the dimmer switch on Microsoft's incredible motion capture device, Project Natal, with their own variation, a combo of precision wands and the Eye Toy, the result of which will yield "sub-millimeter precision."  However, despite some...interesting tech demos, Wii fans have nothing to fear as the motion controls/camera combo are clearly in the "theoretical" phase.  I also found it a bit odd that their answer to Microsoft's "no controller" was "an extra controller."  Also, no talk of the fabled "PS3 Slim."  Take that Chinese internet forum!

Clearly a tight race between Microsoft and Sony for "Best conference of E3," but as an owner of both companies' products, it just means double prizes for me.  Hit the jump for the full Sony E3 Press Conference and along with a reprint of my liveblog twitter feed.

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