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Entries in Video Games (3)



E3: The Return

Like the swallows returning to Capistrano, every year the smog-smuthered city of Los Angeles is inundated with slightly overweight, slightly pale, and slightly bearded men as the collective gaming world congregates in the LA convention center for the largest video game conference ever to become bloated, be suddenly killed, and as quickly be resurrected: the (in?)famous Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known as E3.  Booth babes, beer and body odor are the MOs of this trade-show turned Game-appalooza, though despite such spectacle and flare, the conference has long been closed to the public.  Nevertheless, thanks to the hard work of well armed and well trained games-pressers, we the public can sit in the comforts of our air-conditioned cubicles and breath in un-tainted air while we glean tidbits from the bountiful harvest of announcement, news, and previews for our favorite games.

So what should you be looking forward to and what wonders might lie in store for this year's E3?  Hit the jump to learn about what to expect and laugh at some of my pie-in-the-sky predictions for the coming week of game-news-nirvana.

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