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Pumpkin Preview '09

Nothing rekindles the giddy joy of the Halloween season like pumpkin carving, with the slimey satisfaction of scooping our the innards to the hours of meticulous scrapping and cutting, it just can't be beat.  Ever since I resdiscovered this simple pleasure in college, I have each year challenged myself to more and more difficult carvings, with the only rule that the design be relevant to current geek/media culture.  In the past two years I have made "the cake" from Portal and "Pip Boy" from Fallout, but I think this year's will surpass them both.  I would usually wait till the pumpkin was finished, but I was so pleased with my quick Illustrator prototype that I just had to share it.

Stay tuned for the final product, and hit the jump to view my previous years' pumpkin endeavors.

2007 "Cake is a lie" pumpkin

This is clearly my first effort at carving a pumpkin in many years, and it was quite ambitious.  I also had no proper camera to document the effort.  This was from a pre-iPhone crappy cell-phone camera.

2008 "Pip Boy from Fallout" 

Last year was leaps and bounds ahead of the previous year, and hopefully the trend will continue.

Pumpkin Beer from a Pumpkin Keg 

Why not, this post is pumpkin-y enough.  This is from the 2009 Elysian Pumpkin Beer Festival in Seattle.  This beer was amazing by the way.  Liquid pumpkin pie.

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