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Muppet-ian Rhapsody

Is this the real life or this just fantasy?

I'm struck rather speechless by this crazy turn of events by the Jim Henson Company, who since their last major feature debut and box office flop, Muppets from Space (1999), have managed to completely tear down the goodwill Jim Henson had built around the Muppet franchise.  Fortunately, someone in the  floundering Henson Co. decided that rather than chipping away at the stonewall of mass media ambivalence to the franchise, they'd simply dig a hole underneath it and release content to the vast, unwashed masses of the interwebs.  This surprisingly entertaining parody of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody is unlikely by itself to wash away the bad taste a decade of IP mismanagement has left in my mouth, but this viral vid has given me an inkling of renewed hope in the rumored Muppet/Jason Segel collaboration project and the overall future of Kermit and the gang. 

Let's just hope this wasn't a fluke and they keep the sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational content coming.


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