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New Trailer Friday

Are you insane??...

One step forward, two steps back.  Why, oh why do you do this to yourself, Disney?  After the smallest bit of respect that you might have garnered with with the semi-respectable release of the 2D animated film The Princess and the Frog, why go on to waste all of that positive momentum on a trailer for a film like this?  Disney has once again proven that it has no limit to depths it will sink in order to raise a profit, this time by choosing to remake one of the most well known animated shorts in the Disney repetoire, The Sorcerer's Apprentice.  Originally the headline for the musical masterpiece Fantasia, the marvelous and magical visualization of the Paul Dukas symphonic tone poem is to be stripped all dignity and re-branded as a cliched, FX-driven, Nicolas Cage starring action-film.  I suppose Disney has the right to sully its own IP in a torrent of liquid refuse, but I wish they could have done it with out the addition of calling into question the Bruckheimer label and the promising release of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.  

Ok, so maybe I'm over-reacting a bit, but honestly Disney, did no one stand up and question the merits of this almost certain-to-be train wreck of film?

Let's just say I'm rooting for the broomsticks this time around.  May they drown this film in post-production :).

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