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Truly Frightening

What if George Lucas had done Firefly?

As terrifically disturbing a thought as this fabricated mirror universe might seem, some sinister force has invaded our reality and compelled us all to dwell on the concept of a Firefly-esque television series produced by a man no longer fit to wield his own intellectual property.

MTV's movie blog and Slashfilm recently unleashed this seed of iconoclastic imagery announcing that casting has begun for a live action Star Wars TV series to be produced and...shudder...written by George Lucas, ala the recent animated series airing on Cartoon Network and TNT.  While this might sound utterly ignorable, the truly insipid aspect of the upcoming show is its description of being like "Deadwood meets the Sopranos in space."  Hurm, western + crime + space, where have I seen that before?  And thus, the nightmarish vision was burned into my brain, and now, unsuspecting reader, into yours.  Sharing this mutual bond, let us pause and reflect, thanking the maker that our 6 disc set of Whedon-y goodness is safe from such alternate realities.  For now...


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