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<Insert Headline Here>

Topping Point looking for doom'n'gloom headline ideas

Want a chance to pad your imdb profile with a "special thanks" mention?  Want to get a couple of characters closer to that WGA membership? Scott Ellison, who joined us on Weekly Monotony a few weeks back, is looking for some faux headlines to include in the background of his film project Topping Point about an American economic depression set a few years in to the future.  Reading the headlines now-a-days, this shouldn't be a stretch for anyone.

Help out a friend of the blog and email with your doomiest, gloomiest headline ideas, preferably with some kind of number in it as per Mr. Ellison's request.

Read the original email and check out some examples Scott provided after the jump.

Original Email:

Filming went very well - editing is complete - and now we're incorporating visual effects.  The VFX artists need some ideas for headlines they can "project" onto the surfaces of walls, ceilings, floors etc during the swim/dance sequence.  Attached is an example and also a behind-the-scenes photo that I want to share.

If you can spare two minutes, please think of one or two headlines and send them along.  The headlines should be about an economic depression (set a few years in the future) and ideally include a number.

Here are some examples:

Unemployment soars to 31%

Dow dips below 4,000

China calls Persian Gulf blockade 'an act of war'

Oil tops $700 a barrel

Congress to vote on reinstating draft

Olympics another casualty of crisis

Value of dollar plummets 26%

Government services forced to shutdown

Thanks.  The final cut of the film will be ready in April.









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November 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterScott

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