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Happy Guinness Beer Day!!!

Five movies for getting your Irish on

Top o'the mourning to ya.  Being a lad o'Irish kin myself, I thought I'd help celebrate this year's St. Guinness Beer Day by listing five of my favorite movies about we Irish folk.  So tilt one back with me and enjoy a bit o'cinematic blarney.

In Bruges

This comedic, violent, and Irishly depressing movie will have you begging the barkeep for another pint.  This film stars two of my favorite Irish actors, Brendon Gleeson and Colin Farrel (who for once is aloud to use his natural accent).  And how properly themed, two Irish lads on the run from an evil Brit.  That's my kind of movie, boy'o.





The Boondock Saints

We Irish are a religious people.  Even when we are on a vigilante rampage to rid Boston of its seedy underbelly.  Reminds me of an old Irish prayer: "May those that love us, love us. And those that don't love us, may God turn their hearts. And if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles so we will know them by their limping."





The Departed

Speaking of that seedy underbelly, there's a reason they coined the slur  "Mick."  This movie's a pretty good explanation of why.  Even though Scorcese probably feels a bit more kinship with his Italian mob movies, there's no denying he's got a soft spot for the Irish wiseguy.






Alright, alright, we Irish aren't all run and gun.  Since we never emote in any way but extreme, our romance is as romance-y as it gets, and I can think of no better Irish tribute to that fact than this blissful musical which won an Oscar for best original song.






The Quiet Man

By far my favorite movie of all time about the green hills o'Éire.  A quaint romantic comedy stewed in an extra pint of Irish stout, tis no better way to spend a St. Guinness Beer Day than laughin' and cryin' in your stein to this classic John Wayne film.  And if you've ever wondered who'd win in a fight, The Duke or an Irishman, this is your chance to find out.





Now off to pub ya bollix!

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