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New Trailer Friday

Ducan Jones' Moon

I won't lie, despite there being a live Totally Rad Show and Diggnation, as well as a concert by JoCo, this movie was the main reason for my Klingon death roar at missing this year's SXSW.  I feel like SciFi (or SyFy if you want to be hip) is a genre that's slowly transitioning from blockbuster fluff film (Star Wars, Armaggedon) to thoughtful, independent film (Primer, Sunshine), and as a fan of the genre and the sorts of psychological and philosophical constructs you can tackle with it, I couldn't be more pleased by the recently released trailer for Duncan Jones' Moon starring Sam Rockwell.  Not quite as pleased by last week's trailer for Where The Wild Things Are, but at least strong, to moderately strong in the pleasure portfolio.

Now if only there had been a Daily Monotony writer living in Texas who could have screened this Austin... ;)

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