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From the Mouth of Bay

Wanna be a star? Talk to the Bay-ster

For those of you who have not yet enjoyed last week's wack-a-movie session on Transformers 2, I'll recap a bit by saying we spent an ample amount of time laying it in to the movie's flamboyant and comically bombastic direct, Michael Bay.  However, despite the hilarity of our own diatribes as to the way Bay's thought processes work, it would be an impropriety to not give the square-jawed director a chance to defend himself with his own words.  Thanks to hard-hitting journalist at The Wall Street Journal, we have exactly that.  Bay speaks candidly on many subjects, from the daunting size of his directorial shoes, to his thoughts on Megan Fox's silly 23 year old grievances that Transformers 2 did not offer many "acting opportunites."  Oh what those girls will say (dramatic eye-roll)...

To briefly sum it up: Nicholas Cage, Ben Affleck, Shia LaBeouf, Will Smith, and Martin Lawrence, you can all make out your thank you checks "Michael Bay: The Best Director in the World."

Click the link to read the full interview at

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