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New 80s Sequel Trailer Friday

This week's a two part, blast from the past special.  I've got two trailers for films that are getting sequels that take place exactly the length of time since their 80s predecessors.  Both are iconic of the decade in which they were released, and both will feature the star of the original mentoring a new, younger protagonist.  However, despite their serendipitous commonalities, these two films couldn't be more different.


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

I can't ever claim to having been a huge fan of the original Wall Street, but it's hard not recognize the impact of a film that defined the perceptual image of the high stakes, cut-throat stock broker, an image which has continued to dominate through our modern time.  I'm sure Oliver Stone is relishing the chance to rub in the fact that his parable on greed was ignored in decades past, and I expect the film to be more than a bit ironic, and more than a bit "I told you so."

Tron Legacy

As for Tron Legacy, despite the distinctly diminished turning radius of the new light cycles, I couldn't be more giddy to see a film this year.  The visual style of the film, from the glowing neon on shiny black, to the over exposed, washed out room where Flynn resides, is jaw-droppingly gorgeous.  I also have this Jeff Bridges fixation going on at the moment, so anything thing he is in is automatically at the top of my must see list.  Also, and forgive the effusive rant, the fact that I'm knee deed in Mass Effect 2 has made me enamored with 80s style synth soundtracks.  So this is basically everything I want in movie at the moment.  Hopefully that feeling won't fade and hopefully the not-as-good-as-Avatar CG humans won't be too jarring, either.



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