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Sorry there's been such a black-out of content on the site, but for those of you who have been following my twitter feed, you'll see that I've been spending the past week (and will be spending the following week) in jolly ole' London, England.

However, just because I'm across the Atlantic doesn't mean I can't russle up content, so stay tuned for some tea-flavoured, London-themed updates.  Tonight (Sunday) I'm off to see the new Mathew Vaughn film Kick Ass and I'll be sure to write up my opinions on the irrevent, graphic novel based capes'n'cowls parody. 

I've also been seeing a few West End shows while here in London, and while theatre is not strictly in my domain, I'll share some thoughts on the shows I've seen, including the newlyopened, Andrew Llyod Weber penned sequel to The Phantom of the Opera, Love Never Dies

Till then, pip, pip, cheerio!

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