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Return of New Trailer Friday

My internet died and was resurrected on the third day thanks to the fine folks at Condo Internet.  Oh yeah, and it now goes ludicrous speed.  Seriously, 100Mb/s.  8-D

So while I let the internet download in the other tab, I thought I'd catch up on some long overdue Daily Montony updates, specifically everyone's favorite weekend starting, MPAA-approved-for-all-audiences column, New Trailer Friday.

I've got three trailers I've been dying to share with you, so let's get started:


I first heard about this film at Sundance where in a sea of thought-provoking independent dramas and quirky indie comedies, this film stood out like a mutant genetic aberration.  The concept is probably a lot more real and a lot less science fiction than is safe and reassuring to assume, which only makes the premise, two rogue scientists creating a human-animal hybrid, even more chilling.  This is one of those trailers that is just so bizarre and disturbing that you can help but move closer to the screen as you watch it, as if by doing so you'll somehow catch a better glimpse of the monstrous creation which is so perfectly teased by the trailer.  If there's one problem I have with this trailer, it's that it seems billed more "horror" than I remember from reviews at Sundance, but that's likely more marketing fluff than indication of the film's tone (this is not another Species).  That said, it is directed by Vincenzo Natali, director of the sci-fi thriller/horror film Cube.  So expect freaky (as if the film doesn't literally ooze freaky).

I'm all about sci-fi and 100% behind Frankenstein-ian fiction, and I think this film has the potential of being the District 9 of this summer.  We'll find out June 4th.

Also, if you are on the fence, I'd recommend checking out Dave Chen's Sundance review over at /Film to get a better feeling for it.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

I mentioned this film at the end of my review for Kick-Ass and I think this film will be in every way a superior product.  Directed by the Edgar Wright, the co-conspirator behind such amazing work as Spaced,  Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, this comic-book adaption looks to accomplish in every way what the Wachowski's did (at least I thought) quite well but not widely successful with Speed Racer, bringing the frenetic, colorful world of animation to a live action setting.   I think Scott Pilgrim is going to nail that aesthetic and make it completely mainstream.

This trailer is just amazing.  I love the bait-n-switch opening that looks like another Nick and Nora until it explodes into a jaw-dropping, cartoon frenzy.  And I literally got chills when watching the straight up Street Fighter "KO..." segment.  This trailer, much like the Tron Legacy trailer, is something I have watched over and over, drinking in its visual splendor and perfect pacing, and whether or not the film ends up being as awesome, this is already going down as one of the best trailers of 2010.  

Oh yeah, and it's awesome to see more non-Twilight Anna Kendrick.  After Up in the Air, I've been looking forward to seeing her movies that I can watch with impunity.


Thanks to Netflix Instant Watch, I've become a huge fan of recent SNL work, especially of comedians Will Forte and Kristen Wiig, who are undoubtedly two of the best members of the current cast.  The MacGruber sketches have always been pretty awesome, poking fun at the ridiculous stylings of the 1980s TV show MacGuyver.  Will Forte's ability to go from serious character to a hilarious quipping, whiny goof-ball makes the skit one of the comedy group's favorites to recur, and now like Wayne's World, Blues Brothers, Night at the Roxbury's, Coneheads and countless others, it's getting a movie cross-over.  

If you notice one thing about movies I mentioned, you'll notice that about half are good, and the others are simply atrocious.  SNL has a (pardon the pun) sketchy past when it comes to producing movie-quality talent and films, but I'm hopeful about MacGruber.  I've heard several criticals who have seen early screenings compare it favorably to the greats like Wayne's World and I trust in both Forte and Wiig's talent as comedians to pull it off.  I'm actually looking forward to this film slightly more than this summer's other 80s throwbacks, like the A-Team and The Expendables, and that's because I think to capture the heart of the 80s action-comedy, you have to nail that zany, irreverent, Demolition Man style humor, and MacGruber looks set to do exactly that.  

Plus, with Val Kilmer starring, I think the only action star who is not returning to cinema this summer is Jean Claude Van Damme.  

Figures...Lazy Belgian...who is very bad-ass and I have the utmost respect for and would never hurt an innocent, bespectacled blogger...

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