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Entries in 2009 (8)


E3 2009 Games of Show

Daily Monotony's Picks for Top 3 Games of Show

After much scrutiny, careful deliberation, hard-hitting investigation, and consumption of German Riesling, I'm pleased to present to you the top three games of E3 2009.  When sifting through this year's ample number of hopefuls, I was careful to look for that special "Dude!" factor in each, games that make you stop and exclaim because of their spectacular gameplay, originality, graphics, innovation, or anything that breaks the trend of gaming monotony (hence the prestigious anti-monotony trophy). However, since E3 is about first impressions, it's entirely possible that anyone of these top three games will end up a worthless waste of disk space by the time they've released, but nonetheless, these games stood out above their peers and deserve regard for that alone.

So without further ado, the Third Best Game of E3 2009 is...

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