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Entries in Aang (1)


New "other Avatar" trailer friday

Maybe this has always been true, but this year was the first year that I became acutely aware of the use of Super Bowl commercial time to screen trailers for big upcoming films.  I usually abhor these "tv spots" finding them about as compelling and revealing as drunken coed at Mardi Gras flashing her...huge tracts of land.  However, this year provided one particularly tantalizing spot, a brief glimpse at M. Night Shyamalan's adaption of (the best cartoon ever made) The Last Airbender.  Even if the child actors turn out to be terrible (and I'm sure they will at least disappoint), from this brief 30-second glimpse into the M. Night's live action realization of elemental "bending," I am completely sold.  

 And as luck would have, just this weekend we have been graced with another full length trailer for the film, making this week's New Trailer Friday a legitimate two-fer.  Like I mentioned above, when child actors open their mouths, unless they are named Dakota, Hailey Joel, or Abigail, they illicit a reflexive cringe response.  It's not their fault, but still, I'm hoping the beautiful style displayed thus far will out-weight the damage young actors are capable of unleashing on screen.  Still a bit worried that our "no previous acting experience" Aang has yet to say anything but a very Luke Skywalker-ian "Nooooo!"

Bonus points for spotting the brief appearance of the flying bison Appa. (Here's a hint: the number of seconds into the Super Spot as the name of the musical that wasn't nominated by the Academy for Best Picture)