Microsoft E3 Predictions
Natal Becomes 'Kinect'? Milo takes over the world?
It's E3 again, and I couldn't be more excited (seriously, this is like my mid-year Christmas). The conference starts up Monday with the Microsoft Press Event @ 10AM, which yours truly will be live tweeting the entire time.
To start things off, I thought I'd jot down my list of predictions for what we will see today, that I might gloat at a later point in time when I am so entirely correct (or delete the post entirely to hide my utter shame).
Click on the images below to learn about what I think will be seen at today's press event, and check back often for more E3 coverage all week, including predictions and live tweets of Sony's & Nintendo's Press Events.
(for those of you RSS feed readers, check out the story on the site, where the J is much Query-er)
Dustin's Nostradamus-esque Predictions: