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Entries in Inception (3)


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Film Review: Inception

Did Chris Nolan save 2010?

It's impossible to talk about this film without putting it into it context.  I can list on one hand the movies released this year that have managed to rise above acceptable or mediocre (Kick Ass, How to Train Your Dragon, Toy Story 3 & Splice, if you are interested), and with half of the year gone, that's just depressing.  Whether Nolan wanted it or not, Inception was released at the midpoint of one of the most disappointing movie years in recent memory, and being Nolan’s followup to The Dark Knight (my pick for best movie of 2008) the fate of the entire movie world rested on this film’s shoulders.  So did Inception live up to this responsibility, or is it about time to write this year off?

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