Epic Summer Movie Post
So it's summer (well, at least it is in places that have actually seen the sun in the past...10 months...not Seattle...) and rather than doing a bunch of individual posts about the upcoming summer movies and whether they are worth seeing, I thought I'd just post one BIG one and update it as time goes on. So without further pomp and/or circumstance... the summer movies:

Bridesmaids review is up. A hearty belly-laughing thumbs up.

I'm SOOOO glad that I got see some great independent films at SIFF this weekend, cuz I'm going to need an entire bottle of rum to wash away the stale aftertaste of Pirates 4.

X-Men First Class and Kung-fu Panda 2 reviews are both up. Haven't seen the Hangover 2 yet, but will try to catch it sometime soon.

Review for the Abrams/Spielberg mashup Super 8 is up. In case you want a hint to what I though of it, I had to come up with a new color to code it.

Reviews for Green Lantern and Terrance Malick's enigmatic The Tree of Life are now up. Plus I added the missing puzzle piece to this mosaic, which I'm sad to say I totally missed when putting this together. Cowboys & Aliens now has a tile, trailer, and preivew.

Is Cars 2 really the ugly duckling of Pixar's pristine record, or have critics been going on a little Ego-trip? Read the review and find out.