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Entries in Puzzle Quest (1)


Communications Disruption

...can mean only one thing, the Cable Company

And who said The Phantom Menace could serve no purpose?  So despite my personal health being back to okeyday (ok, that's going too far even for me), our cable modem seemed to catch the same bug I had and on Monday, we had to put it down.  Obviously thinking of the time it would take to mourn the loss of the internet, our cable provider gaves several days to grieve before replacing it with a younger, more vibrant modem.  Thanks Comcast!!...

More to the point, the blog had gone silent and I wanted to restate my commitment to (nearly) daily updates and upholding our illustriously cynical namesake.  However, and it pains me to say it, there will not be a Weekly Monotony this week or next week (damn you Puzzlehunt!).  But have no fear, as our weekly antics will return in podtastic fashion the following week with the introduction of a new, and hopefully shorter, format along with our review of what promises to be the best movie I've seen since I rewatched The Dark Knight yesterday, Watchmen.  I'm pumped, I'm psyched, and I'm no where near emotionally stable enough to handle a let down from <fist shake> Zack Snyder </fist shake>. 

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