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Entries in St. Patrick's Day (1)


Happy Irish Appreciation Day

Being a boy'o meself whose ancestors trekked from ol'Éire to settle in the new world, I hold Irish Appreciation Day (aka St. Guinness Beer Day, aka St. Patrick's Day) in the highest of regards.  And by highest regards, I mean getting pissed outta me 'ead.  

Sure some o'ya might regard the day has sacred, but for most of us, it's all about the pints of dark, chocolatey brew and some good friends at the pub.  And since last year I recounted all the fine examples of Irish cinema to celebrate this fine day, I thought this year I'd dig up my favorite odes to the fine brews by which this day holds any meaning at all for 99% of the country.  And NO, I ain't mentioning that rake o'gobshite Beerfest ya mingin' pavees!

So read my list, then off to the pub ya bollicks!

1. Beer Wars

A surprisingly good documentary by the former CEO of Mike's Hard Lemonade about the trials and tribulations of the microbrewing community against the three titans, Annheiser Busch, Miller, and Coors.  Did you know it's illegal to sell beer directly to a consumer without going through one of the federally appointed beer distributors?  And guess whose pockets they are in?  

If you are a fan of Dogfish Head, Stone, New Belgium, Pyramid, or any other microbrewer, you'll love this film.  And if you can still drink a Budweiser after watching this without feeling burning shame, then you sir are a Bombay Shitehawk!

2. Shawn of the Dead

Ok, so it's not exclusively about beer, but when the entire focus of your film is getting to a pub, despite the raging Zombie Apocalypse going on around you, I think that does beer justice.

3. American Beer

Another documentary, this time about a group of guys on a beer tour of America, hitting up 38 breweries in 40 days.  A great salute to the greatest American beverage and some of the finest craft breweries of America.  Warning: watching this film may give you a sympathetic hangover.

4. Strange Brew

The last, and best of the brew movies on this list.  Canada's version of "Wayne's World," Strange Brew is a film based on the popular SCTV skit The Great White North about the adventures of Bob and Doug McKenzie, played by Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis.  I think this film single-handedly introduced the beer swilling Canadian stereotype to American audiences.  There is brew involved, and it is indeed, very strange.  A great film to enjoy with a few brewskies, and great film to have under your belt for all you historical film-buffs.  Also, this is probably right up there with Canadian Bacon as one of the best Canadian films of all time.