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Entries in Warren Spector (1)


PAX Prime log, stardate: Friday....point two

First and foremost: AT&T.  What the frikking heck (words sanitized for family viewing).

Despite my claim of being a fountain of unceasing tweets, the lack of a function network foiled, for the most part, my plan to keep the tubes crammed full of my latest PAX experiences.  Let's hope for a better tomorrow.

Morning: Warren's Wise Words

Warren Spector is practically the grandfather of gaming.  He boast more clout and additionally more wisdom than any other American game designer.  He's seen his share of highs (Wing Commander, Deus Ex) and equal parts incredible lows (Ion Storm...shudder).  While his speech was less tribe-building and gamer self-adulation than previous PAX keynote speakers, he brought exactly what gamers need for the times we live in: Sound, wise, advice.

To put it in his own words "Geeks have inherited the earth.  Now we need to figure out what to do with it."  I'm confident under Warren's watchful gaze, we'll do right by the world.

Afternoon: When Work Calls

Unfortunately, I had important business to attend at work, and had to skip out on some afternoon sessions, but I did get a chance to get back with time enough to scope out my Expo plans for tomorrow.  Expect much, MUCH more info tomorrow.

Evening: PAX ROX

My first time to attend the Friday Night concerts, and despite nearly killing me with head-banging exhaustion, what a ridiculously amazing evening.  Four incredibly talented, hard rocking bands, performing everything from rock operas about MegaMan, to 8-bit chip tunes from Scott Pilgrim, to shredding reduxes of Metroid & Excitebike.  

At last my long hair was put to good use :)


And with that (and before Chrome crashes and loose everything again) I will be you good night.  

Coma time.