Episode 1B - It's Speeed Racer!

Dustin's Top Movies of 2008
It's the second half of our inaugural episode of the Weekly Monotony podcast, and this time around it's my picks for top 10 movies of the year. Check it out to see how well they don't match the nominees for Oscars (The Reader nominated for best pic?? Really???).
Stream the episode below download it and check out the show notes after the jump so you can skip around at your own leisure. Not that you'd want to skip past any of my excellent commentary, right? RIGHT?...
Weekly Monotony Episode 1B - It's Speeed Racer!
Show Notes:
(1:03) Dustin’s #10 film of 2008 In Bruges
(1:48) Dustin’s # 9 film of 2008 Frost/Nixon
(7:45) Dustin’s # 8 film of 2008 Son of Rambow
(8:47) Dustin’s # 7 film of 2008 Iron Man
(17:05) Dustin’s # 6 film of 2008 The Wrestler
(21:35) Dustin’s # 5 film of 2008 Speed Racer
(30:38) Dustin’s # 4 film of 2008 Slumdog MillONare
(31:15) Dustin’s # 3 film of 2008 Doubt
(40:25) Dustin’s # 2 film of 2008 Wall-e
(41:35) Is the “Best Animated Film” category a boon or a hindrance to animated films?
(44:01) Would WALL-E have been better as a silent film all the way through?
(46:32) Were the themes of Wall-e effective?
(55:14) Dustin’s #1 film of 2008 The Dark Knight
(1:06:01) The Dark Knight and IMAX
(1:12:20) Dustin’s Honorable Mentions
(1:16:09) Scott’s Honorable Mentions
(1:17:47) Sean’s Honorable Mentions
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