Episode 3 - Not Quite Game of the Year

Dustin's Top 10 Games of 2008
Rounding out our "Best of 2008" series, this week we finish things off with my top 10 games of 2008, and Scott reminds us all why my credibility as a reviewer as been made completely null and void as result of my own foolish actions. Sigh...and I thought it would last at least until episode 10...oh well.
Stream it below and be sure to take a gander (or a goose) at show notes after the jump.
On second though, just take a gander. There'll be no goosin' on this here blog!!
Weekly Monotony Episode 4 – Not Quite Game of the Year
Show Notes:
(00:47) What We’ve been Watching/Playing
- Games:
- Half Life 2 – Cinematic Mod
- Fallout 3 Mods
- Dino Run
- Super Mario Galaxy
- TV:
- House
- Lost
- Movies:
- Milk
- Paul Blart: Mall Cop
- Taken
- Broken Flowers
(17:07) Scott’s Top 2 Games of 2008: Fallout 3, Rockband 2
(18:20) Dustin’s Top 10 Games of 2008
(18:38) Dustin’s #10 Game of 2008: Rockband 2 & Rockband in General
(21:27) Dustin’s #9 Game of 2008: Grand Theft Auto IV
(29:00) Dustin’s #8 Game of 2008: Fable 2
(34:30) Dustin’s #7 Game of 2008: Mirror’s Edge
(36:55) Dustin’s #6 Game of 2008: Fallout 3
(40:37) Dustin’s #5 Game of 2008: Little Big Planet
(48:12) Dustin’s #4 Game of 2008: Castle Crashers
(52:11) Dustin’s #3 Game of 2008: Dead Space
(62:57) Dustin’s #2 Game of 2008: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
(74:36) Dustin’s #1 Game of 2008: Braid
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