Episode 28 - Arcane Asylum

Top 5's of Summer 2009
There's a reason the first thing they teach you in computer science is how to sort a list: the internet LOVES lists. And who are we to deny the internet our keenly honed sorting abilities? This week we pick up the pieces from the aftermath of summer movie 'sploision cinema 2009 and report back on the good, the bad, and the Michael Bay. Find out our Top 5's, and why sometimes you don't even have to watch a film to think it rocked...
Prime up your Netflix queue, it's Weekly Monotony.
Weekly Mononty Episode 28 - Arcane Asylum
Show Notes:
(01:52) What We’ve Been Watching and Playing
- Scott:
- The Carrier (TV, Documentary Series)
- Das Boot (1981)
- The Union: The Business Behind Getting High
- Todd:
- Project Runway (TV, Reality)
- Shadow Complex (Xbox Live Arcade)
- Dustin
- Batman Arkham Asylumn (Xbox 360)
- Special (2006)
- The 13th Warrior (1999)
(30:23) Spielberg optioning rights to final Michael Crichton novel Pirate Latitudes
(38:45) Disney acquires Marvel for $4 billion
(45:41) James Cameron’s Avatar trailer + footage
(52:32) Our Top 5 Films of the Summer
- Scott:
- 5) Moon + (500) Days of Summer
- 4) District 9
- 3) Inglourious Basterds
- 2) The Hurt Locker
- 1) Up
- Todd:
- 5) District 9
- 4) Up
- 3) Inglourious Basterds
- 2) The Hangover
- 1) Star Trek
- Dustin
- 5) The Brother’s Bloom
- 4) Moon
- 3) Up
- 2) The Hurt Locker
- 1) Star Trek
(1:30:43) Top 5 Domestic Grossing Films of 2009
(1:34:48) Biggest Let-downs of the Summer
(1:45:08) Was Summer 2009 a weak summer for films?
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