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Entries in James Cameron's Avatar (2)


Episode 33 - Cheating on the Format

2nd Annual Daily Monotony Film Awards

What better way to start the 2010 season of Weekly Monotony AND celebrate our 1 year anniversary than recapping all the great films of 2009.  I put myself to the task and asked my co-hosts to do same.  One simple goal: name your top 5 films of the year.  Of course after 2 weeks of fretting, watching, re-watching, making lists, crossing them out, and generally stressing out over my top 5, I realized the foolishness of my imposed 5-item constraint.  And whatever you feel about ranking films of disparate genres into some arbitrary order, in the end my struggle to yield only five proved to me that despite my initial concerns, 2009 was another great year for films.

You can see, by my collage of photoshoppery, which films ended being finalists, but to find out what we collectively dubbed Daily Montony's Best Film of 2009, you'll have to listen below.

Put down your Academy Awards Ballot, it's Weekly Monotony.

Weekly Monotony Episode 33 - Cheating on the Format


Episode 25 - What did you see?

Film Reviews - "G.I. Joe" "Funny People" and "The Perfect Getaway"

We're back on the air and only a day (or two) late.  But to make up for lost time, this week we bring you a smorgasbord of entertainment content with reviews of three big films, and with surprising results. But the star, of course, is Hasbro's adaptation of the classic cartoon-to-sell-toys, G. I. Joe. But does Joe justify its big screen adaptation, or like Transformers 2, should this film have stayed shut up in the "toy box of shame" you have sitting under you bed.

...what? I said you have sitting under your bed...hey, shut up!

It's time to rock, rock on! It's Weekly Monotony.

Weekly Monotony Episode 25 - What did you see?

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