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Entries in Synecdoche New York (1)


Episode 19 - Heliocentric

Backlog Film Review - Danny Boyle's "Sunshine"

Even if the past few weeks have been a bit of a lull in summer-movie-splosion-season, if there's been an abundance of anything, it's been good old UV rays from our star buddy, Sol (that's the Sun to those not on a first name basis).  And to celebrate our skin-cancer inducing heavenly body, we decided to dig into our backlog and pull up one of my favorite science fiction films, the 2007 Danny Boyle (no relation to Susan Boyle you crazy youtubers!!!) flick Sunshine.  But can the maker of the Academy Award winning Slumdog Millionaire really excel in the cold, Hindu-less depths of outerspace?

Slather on some SPF 50 and find out, it's Weekly Monotony.

Weekly Monotony Episode 19 - Heliocentric

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