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Fright of the Navigator

Disney to Remake "Flight of the Navigator"

Curse you DISNEY!!!!! Even from beyond the grave, the cruel hand of Walt Disney is pulling the strings of the corporation bearing his sinister name as they seek to ruin yet another one of my fond childhood memories.  This time they have their scope sighted on perhaps one of my favorite childhood films, Flight of the Navigator starring the voice of Paul Ruebens (better known as his character Peewee Herman).  I understand that the Disney ran out of good ideas a few High School Musicals back, but I was hoping with movies like The Princess and the Frog, some element of fresh storytelling had infiltrated the barren halls of the house of mouse.  The truly tragic thing is, I'm probably going to see the remake when it comes out...

I guess all they need to do now is remake Short Circuit and my childhood will be officially nullified.



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