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New Trailer Monday

I know, I know, a new Weekly Monotony on Friday and a new trailer on Monday. "Your killing me Smalls," and all that. Yeah, yeah, I know...

To the point, I usually don't endorse films by this particular gentlemen as I tend to recoil at his overtly pedantic, overly pretentious, and often boorish behavior.  In fact, I usually make it a habit of not seeing films I'd file in the "documentaries-as-propaganda" folder.  But I have to admit, I think the mustard-stained shirt wearing film-maker may have finally broached upon a subject we can all agree upon, not to mention it's totally awesome that when this trailer premiered before pressers, donations were actually taken up by the ushers.  Who knows, perhaps the way to bridge the gap across the political aisle is with shared indignity and big ol' tub of popcorn. Click the pic above for a PSA courtesy of everyone's favorite fat, bearded film maker (no, not George Lucas...).

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