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Secret Agent Droid

Why Chewie and R2D2 ran the Rebellion

Every once and a while, my aimless perusings of the vast repository of useless information known as the "internet" turns up a bright gem of insight and that is simultaneously mind altering and proof of the existence of higher power.  This particular drop of genius was found while mildly enjoying yet another "top 50" list spit out by the folks over at Rotten Tomatoes, this time a suprisingly complete ranking of silver screen robots (no, Keanu Reeves was not on the list) in time for the release of Michael Bay's most recent assault on our already battered cinematic sensibility.  Cruising the list and noting the abysmal placement of Short Circuit's Johnny Five, I came to the number one reel robot, a deserving nod to everyone's favorite silver-blue astromech, R2-D2.  However, in the writer's appraisal of the scrappy little droid from a galaxy far, far away, he made a claim which was backed by a hyperlink to article which describes with near flawless reasoning why in light of the poorly directed yet canonized prequel trilogy, R2-D2 and the wookie Chewbacca were the de facto leaders of the Rebellion by end of Star Wars IV: A New Hope.  

Mind == Blown.  Click this link and forever have your Star Wars world flipped on its head.

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