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EA Press Event LIVE

Live Tweet starts @2pm (ok, it's just not working on my laptop, hope it is on your browser)

[EA Press Conference 2:10] Starting a bit late, but here we go. Looks like a new Need For Speed Hot Pursuit game to start things off.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:11] Interesting, so this is Need For Speed by Criterion (the Burnout guys & the Split Second guys)about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:13] Multiplayer lets one person play as cop, one person play as man on the run.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:14] I like that this is a world where all cop cars are Lamborghinis about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:15] Lengthy chase with Burnout style crunch at the end. That said, it didn't look that skilled or fun...about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:17] Dead Space 2, lots of excitement from the crowd. This game could a best of E3.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:18] Wait, if Isaac is taking the fight to the necromorphs, why not bring weapons instead of mining equipment?about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:20] Creepy baby headed monsters... This game is going to take several pairs of underwearabout 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:21] The environment is a city on an infected colony, wonder if that will mean less zero G and O2 management.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:22] The city, called "the sprawl" looks very pretty. Oh snap, apparently there's a vacuum outside the city.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:24] Ooo, a cliffhanger till tomorrow's Sony press conference. Tricky tricky.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:25] On to talk about FPS. Bet we'll see some Medal of Honor & Crysis.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:26] Yup, EA LA here to talk about Medal of Honor. Interestingly, DICE (Battlefield) is making the MoH multiplayerabout 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:27] Damn, doing a live 24 player demo on the stage. EA wins the ballsy award for now :)about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:29] The game looks ALOT like MW2. Great artists steal, right?about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:30] Good demo, but we didn't really get a feel for new features. MP Beta goes live June 21about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:33] Gunclub, yet another player network from EA. Can we just decide on one and make it universal?about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:34] Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam! An expansion for BF BC2. I loved the original BF Vietnam.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:35] Peter Moore out for EA Sports (big applause as usual).about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:38] EA doing Live game broadcasts with real live sports casters. Hmm, that could go REALLY bad.about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:43] EA Sports Active 2 for Kinect (compete to what we saw at Ubisoft conference).about 1 hour ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:45] I have to admit, I think the Ubisoft fitness package looked sexier (I mean, they have tai chi!)44 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:45] Interesting that the PS3 eye toy is being used essentially in the same way as Kinect. No Move for PS3...45 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:47] So Madden preview is saying a whole lot of "what if" but we really haven't head anything yet.41 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:49] Bing bing bing bing, first sports star brought out on stage to look goofy on a video game: Joe Montana40 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:50] So there's this "Gameflow" that helps suggest smarter plays, supposed to be like coordinators play pages39 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:52] Claim you can play a full game in half the time (is that a good thing?) because of less time spent making calls37 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:53] Isn't play calling most of the fun of football games?36 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:54] Woah, "do we have any free will at all" what game is this?...oh, Sims 3...that was a let down35 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:56] Sounds like you can branch to multiple different realities to play the "what if" scenarios with your sims34 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:57] "The Sims 3 has given the Sims free will." Is anyone else incredibly frightened by that? ;)32 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 2:59] What!?! Did EA just claim that the Sims in Sims 3 have more free will than we do!?! Woah...30 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:03] Ahhh! my stream went down right during the climax of the demo. Crap!21 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:03] Shouting out to new EA Partners, Insomniac, & Respawn (the former Infinity Ward guys, I think).28 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:04] Kick ass, some Crysis 2. I know it's being developed for consoles, but I actually want to see unrenderable gfx :)26 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:05] Crysis 2 is a completely open world New York under attack from the aliens in Crysis. Game looks great!24 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:06] Sweet visual modes, enemies outlined, heat vision. All the suit enhancement modes are back, too.22 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:09] Huh, Crysis going to be in 3D (for PC & PS3 I assume). Clearly the audience is getting a different view.20 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:12] CliffyB on stage? What's this about? "Bulletstorm" encourages you to play like "a fat kid playing with cake." :)17 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:14] This how it works, "you do cool shit, to unlock cool shit, so you can do more cool shit." LOL16 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:15] It's an FPS where you get points for killing people in creative ways. Did he just say "scared the dick off me" ?14 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:16] Looks like you have a "energy tether" you can use to whip around enemies into environment hazards.13 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:17] Haha, lots of Gears-style meat chunks. Clearly going for over the top and accomplishing it well.11 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:20] "Action, gunplay, and carnage with a wink and smile" that's Bulletstorm10 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:21] Star Wars The Old Republic!!! Every player gets their own starship. Wow swinging big off the bat.9 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:22] Talking about the PvP experience. Setting up zones for PvP combat, you can go to them and go Jedi vs Sith7 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:23] New cinematic trailer, ala the previous kick ass one. Battle for Alderaan, soldiers vs sith, sith look epic.5 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:25] Woah, enter sexy Jedi lady. Man, these guys make such better Star Wars movies than George Lucas does.4 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:27] Dude, force pushing someone to death. Epic.3 minutes ago via web

[EA Press Conference 3:28] Now if we could just get a frikking DATE for Star Wars TOR. Sigh...1 minute ago via web


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