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Microsoft Press Event LIVE

[UPDATE] Press Event delayed till 10:30.  Needed some more time to prep those keytars....

[MS Press Conf 10:27] Some pre-event confirms, we will see CliffyB on stage with some Gears, and Halo Reach campaign will be demoed.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:30] Ahhh here goes! Starting off with some Call of Duty: Black Ops, Treyarchs's Modern Warfare-esque gameabout 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:31] Helicopter flying sequences looks pretty epic. Ooo, live demo of Black Ops, does it look better than MW2?about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:33] Showing some tunnel crawling in a jungle(RATS!!), looks like they are adding some slower paced, thriller elements.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:34] Taking over an enemy Hind, looks like an on-rails sequence, but not sure. No maybe not. Hmm, vehicle driving in CODabout 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:37] Don Mattrick taking the stage, our new SVP after Robbie Bach left. Timed exclusive on DLC for Black Ops (ouch, Sony)about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:40] Hideo Kojima taking the stage!?! What!?!about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:41] Some Metal Gear Solid Rising (totally forgot about this). Maybe some Kinect support....?about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:44] Metal Gear Solid "with lightning bolt action!" Some seriously crazy realistic katana slicing physics. Crazy!about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:45] Everything being shown today will be an Exclusive for Xbox (at least timed)about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:47] CliffyB here to show some 4 player co-op Gears of War 3 action. 2 Female Gears announced, called it :)about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:48] Can use enemies at meat shields, strap them with grenades, and them throw them at other enemies. Awesome.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:50] Showing some freakishly mutated "Lambent" enemies. Just takes monsters and makes them more monster-y.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:51] Looks a little too much like more of the same... Also teased a new mode call "beast" interesting...about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:52] Peter on stage to talk about Fable III. Resist. The urge. To believe. Peter hype....about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:54] I hope the whole "touch" mechanic doesn't lead into a bunch of Iko-esque escort missions.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:55] Wait, where'd Peter go? Hmm... he'll be back... I betabout 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:56] Crytek showing teasing a new game for Xbox 360 (exclusive?). "Codenamed: Kingdoms" ?about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:56] The inevitable Halo Reach demo. Blah blah Beta was awesome, Blah blah most ambitious game ever...about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 10:58] Reach campaign video (not live demo), Definitely has that huge open Halo 1 vibe. Showing beach landing combat.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:00] Old drop ships returning, Elites to fight, not to play. Looks fun, but not ground breaking yet...about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:01] Some space combat coming up? Woah, totally spaceship Space!?!about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:04] Now some more Kinect details. Dashboard demo? Date & Price?about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:06] Wave to sign in. Moving a hand pointer around to see interact. Voice commands to nav interface as well.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:07] Hmm.... not sold at all on that hand pointer. If you are going to be pointer based, you'll need a wand...about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:08] Hitting small targets with a small, inaccurate pointer... Might have to be a "try it" before I'll believe it.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:10] Win Phone 7 obligatory call out. Way more brief than you'd imagine.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:11] Showing off Video Kinect feature. Haha, a bunch of awkward game press people saying Hi to a pretty girl...about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:12] Ah!!! Stop the scripted conversation!!! Stop it I say!!!about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:13] Camera automatically tracks your position, pretty cool I guess.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:14] Looks like ESPN is coming to Xbox, including live events (college FB, woo!). Sports Center guys now on stage.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:16] Audience: "Sports? What are these sports you speak of?"about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:17] I think the voice commands for Kinect are way more exciting than the shaky hand pointer.about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:20] Just say "replay" and you can instantly watch the last 30 seconds of the live stream. ESPN is free, woot!about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:21] Cute little kid playing with cute little tiger.... so adorably cute!!about 2 hours ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:25] Kinectimals (yeah, I know...) is going to be HUGE with young girls. It's like Nintendogs with wild animals.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:26] Showing an olympic style sports game (reminds of the old Nintendo floor pad games)about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:26] So Kinect Sports is a self ego booster...???about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:27] I'll be interested whether the fidelity of the Kinect is enough to make any of those sports games fun.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:28] It's Mod Nation Joy Ride. Please tell your demo people to STOP TALKING while playing.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:30] Kinect adventures is totally that Nick Arcade TV show from the 90s...about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:32] I find your demoer's sense of false enthusiasm is disturbing...about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:34] Obligatory fitness game... "Your Shape: Fitness Evolved." Pretty slick the way you can control your physical avatar.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:37] Ubisoft fidelity is pretty impressive. Imagine that avatar in a fighting game or something.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:43] Harmonix showing off a dancing game. Sort of the next generation of DDR. No 360 owner will be that coordinated.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:46] Ah here goes, some nerdy white boy dancing. Wow that is more nerdy and white boy than I could have hoped for :)about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:50] Kinect launching this holiday, November 4th. 15 launch titles...all casual...about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:50] Lucasarts lightsabre game. Gesture based force powers looks cool. Wonder how much of that is "concept" and not realabout 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:51] Forza getting some Kinnect love. Controller free driving, head tracking to move the cockpit view. Ok, I 'sposeabout 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:55] Don is back, is this our last minute surprise annoucement?about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:56] Xbox 360 slim! Built in wifi, 250GB, about 2/3rds the size, same price as 360. Shipping to retailers TODAY!?!about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 11:58] Oprah style give away for 360 slims to everyone in the audience!?! Crazy.about 1 hour ago via web

[MS Press Conf 12:00] So recap: Bunch of Kinect casual, Xbox 360 slim, voice commands most impressive, no Peter Fable III Kinect :(about 1 hour ago via web



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