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Nintendo Press Event Live

Nintendo Press Event Live Tweet starts @9AM.  Time for new Zelda & the mysterious 3DS?

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:02] Here we go, and frikkin Zelda with Miyamoto talking about how this will be the best Zelda ever. Dag, yo.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:05] Haha, fake out, here's Miyamoto on stage taking over the demo himself.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:07] Using motion plus and nunchuck as sword & shield, you must cut in the right direction, and gesture to block

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:09] Hmmm, there are either serious lag issues with the demo, or serious technical issues with the game...

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:11] Wow, the inaccuracy of the Wii Motion Plus or the jankiness of the demo is painful to watch

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:13] Haha, Miyamoto making a reference to Steve Jobs wireless problems. Way to go bloggers! ;)

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:14] Looks like a Zelda where all items utilize the Wii Motion Plus, rather than just waggle like TP.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:16] Title is "Skyward Sword." Really intrigued by how you can bowl bombs, and even put spin on them.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:18] Hopefully the show floor demo of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be smoother than the press conference demo.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:19] A new NBA Jam, Exclusive for Wii? Huh, well, that's ok I guess...

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:20] Now to the typical "What sports game haven't we put Mario in" segment. Dodgeball, Hockey, V-ball, B-ball

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:22] There's that Reggie stat pimping. Sorry, telling me that Wii owners play their system more than others...

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:23] Ah, stop with the stats, no body cares. Show us some games.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:24] Wii Party, just what we need, another party game collection for the Wii...sigh, bring out Other M.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:28] Already on to DS with a lengthy unplayable video for GoldenSun: Dark Dawn, a JRPG, I guess?

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:29] Ah, here goes the GoldenEye announce. A revamped version of the original, with Daniel Craig...?

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:30] I think redoing the original is going to split fans pretty heavily.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:32] Ooo, Warren Spector here to talk about Epic Mickey. This will be the first look ever.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:33] A platformer with Mickey Mouse as the star. Key mechanic is a painting tool with manipulates the world.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:35] Either add with paint or remove with thinner. Characters in world will react based on your which you use.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:36] Dude, the game look awesome. Showing Steam Boat willy level, black and white and side scrolling. Wow!

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:38] Could this be the first Disney game that I've ever wanted to play?

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:39] Ooo, a new Kirby game. Nintendo is listening, give us 1st part titles!

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:40] Hey, you can use "Epic" in your title. Interesting looking 2D side scroller with a "patchwork" aesthetic.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:43] Another Dragon Quest game for DS. Apparently there are over 140 hours of gameplay... eh...

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:45] Ah, here's some Metroid Other M. How bout some demo, Nintendo, it's coming out in August.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:47] Oooo, new Retro studios game! It's a return to Donkey Kong Country!! Kick Ass.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:48] It's a 3D on 2D side scroller in the tradition of the SNES games. Comes out this holiday.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:49] Ah, here goes with 3DS. Ok, so what is it Reggie!?!?!

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:50] Really harping on the glasses for 3D, so 3DS is going to be glasses-less.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:51] 3DS raising on a smoking pedestal. And here comes Iwata himself to demo the 3DS.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:53] It looks like a normal DS form factor with a slightly wider upper screen. It's no Virtual Boy :)

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:55] Saying tried touch screen, but said smudges reduced 3D effect, so bottom screen is touch, but no 3D.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:56] Hardware is also getting a graphics hardware boost (up to PSP standards?). Come one, just demo the 3D!!!

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:57] Can also play 3D Hollywood movies!?! What!?! Is this going to be the new handheld movie player?

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:57] Motion sensor & gyro sensor in the system. 2 cameras on the outside, can take 3D picture! Woah.

[Nintendo Press Conference 9:59] A new Kid Icarus game is going to be the headlining title. Crazy.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:00] So looks we might not get to see an actual 3D demo, it might not be demoable unless held by hand.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:02] 3DS will communicate to other 3DS with out having to do anything proactive, will also access wi-fi in bkg.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:05] Miyamoto making Nintendogs/cats for 3DS. Third parties are also going to publish 3DS launch software.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:06] Dang, an impressive 3DS list from Resident Evil to Metal Gear Solid to Saints Row!

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:08] Now a video with big name developers saying how awesome they think the 3D effect is.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:09] Reggie is back, so no 3DS demo (which means it's not gyro-parallax false 3D). Want to get hands on!

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:11] Crazy video with Iwata & Miyamoto getting sucked into a 3DS screen. Then Reggie gets flamed by Bowser :)

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:14] A bunch of models coming out to "accompany" attendees to see how 3D works.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:16] Zelda Skyward Sword gameplay stations also in the Nokia theatre.

[Nintendo Press Conference 10:17] As people rush the models & stations, that's it for Nintendo. Solid 1st party lineup, want to play 3DS!!

Wow, Sony is going to have a hard to following that up, but check back at Noon for coverage of their press event. Ahhh, must have 3DS!!!

Cool chat between Iwata & Miyamoto about their long history of trying to get 3D working, including Virtual Boy.

Interesting that the 3DS has an adjustable slider to help find what level of depth fits your eyes and seem natural.

Miyamoto talking about how platforming in 3D space is hard without depth ( a problem with Galazy 2).

Talking about the viral nature of how 3DS can spread by being hand-held, much like iPhone or iPad. No date for 3DS release yet :(

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