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Sony Press Event LIVE

Sony Press Event Live Tweet starts @Noon PST.  There's gonna be Move, there's gonna be 3D, there's gonna be Killzone 3.  What surprises are in store?  PSP2?

[Sony Press Event 11:59] Woah, we're already going. Opening monologue going on about how PS3 is super awesome. And here's Kaz!

[Sony Press Event 12:01] Kaz coming out swinging with talk about how Sony is the only end-to-end 3D hub. "Authentic" 3D, oh snap.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:02] Here's a demo of Killzone 3, in 3D for the audience? Looks like it will be the iceberg level we've been seeing.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:04] Even without 3D glasses, you can tell how the level is designed for 3D, nice depth of field, deep level design.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:06] Now on to some jet pack. Different colored jets for different kind of motion, assent, descent, and lateral motionabout 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:07] Jet pack adds nice platformy element to the game. Allows floors to drop away without ruining gameplay.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:08] Third element, turret on a drop ship taking apart an arctic oil rig. Game this game looks good.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:10] Killzone three coming in February 2011 (another post holiday release). Move compatible at launch! Ouch, Microsoft.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:11] Gran Turismo 5 also coming out in 3D, Crysis 2 (which we know), Ghost Recon, Tron Evolution, NBA 2K11, etc...about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:13] You have toadmit, at least Sony is going 100% behind its gimmicks, 3D & Move.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:14] Montage video of some 3D / Move games, Motorstorm Apocalypse looks nice. 3D Mortal Kombat is literally overkillabout 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:16] Blah blah blah marketing speak blah blah. On with the games!about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:19] We're getting the same Move marketing spiel that we got at CES, one-to-one precision with gyro + camera.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:20] Haha, a bit of sniping at Wii boxing. Damn, huge swipe at Microsoft "we have this futuristic thing called Buttons"about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:24] Announcing some new games, first off "Sorcery" a first person action game.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:25] Wait, make that 3rd person. 1 to 1 matching of wand to move. Game looks simple, but actually kind of fun.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:27] I bet the Harry Potter folks are thinking frantically. Cool, create a whirlwind by swiping up, then flick to shootabout 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:30] Again, slap a Harry Potter logo on that and I'm sold.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:31] Tiger Woods PGA Tour up next (surprised it still bears Tiger's name). Interested to see how this works.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:32] Whiffed first swing. Second connects, Really get a nice powerful swing, not the fake Wii one. Bunkered both, doh!about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:34] Managed a Par! Probably the best golf sim? Will ship as an update to existing PGA game when move ships.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:37] New game "Heroes on the Move" which is basically all Sony 1st party platformer characters togetherabout 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:38] Coca Cola partnering with PS3 for big marketing deal, chances to win PS3 & Move.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:39] Kevin Butler, from the funny commercials, taking over the stage. Big shot at Microsoft Cirque Du Solei event.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:40] "I heard they had a sale on blue ponchos"about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:42] "Gaming is a ridiculously large TV in a ridiculously small Apartment."about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:42] "Gaming is staying up till 3 AM to win a trophy that isn't real...but it is"about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:43] Haha, patriotic music starting in the background. Most hilarious press event of E3? Kevin Butler rocks.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:45] Move drops in September (15th Europe, 19th US), Move controller & motion controller ~$80. 15-20 launch titles.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:47] Heavy Rain getting move support via update. Interesting. Might even finish that game now...(/shame)about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:50] Now to PSP, new campaign for PSP, Kevin Butler video.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:52] Marcus Rivers doing a new ad campaign site. Looks like no PSP2, probably best with 3DS at E3.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:55] New God of War: Ghost of Sparta PSP game, always a welcome addition.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:57] Sony likes them some montage. I say, leave the montage for press releases, lets see more demos (LBP2!!!)about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:59] A brief look at Patapon3 in montage. One game I wish they'd bring to DS, PSN, or XBLA.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:03] Huh, Playstation Home gives a virtual PS3 booth tour experience. That's mildly cool. Still should axe Home...about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:06] Alright, here comes some Little Big Planet 2! Live Demo about the "play, create, share" conceptabout 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:07] Showing "super block race" a customizable, reflex game where you press the right button in orderabout 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:08] Now showing a bumper car game that was customized with a kill circle surrounding it and a boost function.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:09] Looks like a crazy tool creating minigames on top of LBP's level creation.about 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:10] Showing a bunch of 24 hour levels. Crazy amount of diversity, 3D shooter, RTS, racing game, bullet hell, ridiculousabout 1 hour ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:11] Woah, a pay for service, Play Station Plus? Yikes, moving away from network is free concept. Basically Live Gold.44 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:13] Signing up gives you Wipeout HD, trial for Infamous 2, themes, avatars. Fans are NOT going to react well to this...43 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:15] Here's some Medal of Honor single player. Dude, check out that beard, epic.40 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:17] I'm actually interested to see a game set in the rocky, snowy hills of Afghanistan. Want a live demo.38 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:19] Haha, Unlockable beards for DICE multiplayer experience.37 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:20] Yeah, the more I see of MoH multiplayer, the more its obvious they just copied MW2. Not a bad thing at all.36 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:21] Ah, the promised follow-up to the cliffhanger from EA's Dead Space 2 demo.34 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:22] And I just peed my pants #DeadSpace233 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:24] I cannot wait for Dead Space 2. Hey, getting a limited edition exclusive to PS3, also will have Move support.32 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:25] Oh. My. Science. Glados launches surprise, it's Gabe Newel. Portal 2 Baby!!!30 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:26] Haha, Gabe Newel making some apologetic musings on his "opinions" about certain consoles.29 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:27] Portal 2 coming to PS3. First video of Portal 2!28 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:28] Oh so brief, but oh so awesome. Glados: "I think we can put our differences behind monster!"27 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:29] Vid of Final Fantasy XIV. Just like last year's tease, it's a fantasy based MMO coming consoles, PS3 & Xbox.26 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:31] A string of exclusives, Mafia II DLC, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood DLC, ACB Multiplayer Beta as well.24 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:33] Multiplayer vid for ACB shows ability to disguise as commoners, create decoys, counter assassinations, pretty cool.22 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:37] Another montage, including a tease of PixelJunk Shooter 2 (huzzah!)19 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:38] Now Gran Turismo 5 (man this is a marathon press event)18 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:39] Gran Turismo looks like it will have some association with Top Gear, though not clear what.17 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:40] Turismo 5 launching on November 2, fully in 3D.16 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:41] Vid for new Infamous game from Sucker Punch. Infamous in Paris? That looked like Notre Dame.14 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:42] The main character has more hair this time (maybe not the same dude?) Less electricity, more fire & ice?13 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:44] Surprise teaser for new Twisted Metal. Twisted Metal car rolls out on stage.11 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:45] David Jaffe out on stage, demoing online deathmatch. Helicopter, motorcyle, cars, all destroying everything.10 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:47] Each car is co-op that allows a friend to tag along as turret gunner.9 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:48] New objective mode called "Nuke." Giant statues for factions. Capture other teams leader, launch them into statue.6 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:51] Have to hit statue with missile 3 times to win. Sounds long and complex, but fun.5 minutes ago via web

[Sony Press Event 1:52] That's Sony, not a bad followup to the powerful Nintendo presser. Move looks way more interesting than at CES.3 minutes ago via web

Well that's it for Press Events, Nintendo & Sony super strong, Microsoft a bit of the weak sauce. Stay tuned for tidbits from E3 Stage Shows2 minutes ago via web



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