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Entries in PS3 (2)


Sony Press Event LIVE

Sony Press Event Live Tweet starts @Noon PST.  There's gonna be Move, there's gonna be 3D, there's gonna be Killzone 3.  What surprises are in store?  PSP2?

[Sony Press Event 11:59] Woah, we're already going. Opening monologue going on about how PS3 is super awesome. And here's Kaz!

[Sony Press Event 12:01] Kaz coming out swinging with talk about how Sony is the only end-to-end 3D hub. "Authentic" 3D, oh snap.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:02] Here's a demo of Killzone 3, in 3D for the audience? Looks like it will be the iceberg level we've been seeing.about 2 hours ago via web

[Sony Press Event 12:04] Even without 3D glasses, you can tell how the level is designed for 3D, nice depth of field, deep level design.about 2 hours ago via web

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