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New Trailers Friday

Games, Movies, Games about Movies!!

Well I'm back in warm sunny cold rainy Texas for the Decemberwe'en break, but I wouldn't let a little thing like a thousand mile journey keep the old Monotony blog from churning.  Thankfully, this week has been a holiday stocking stuffed full of new trailers, thanks in no small part to the predictably chauvinistic SpikeTV Video Game Awards.  Just imagine the Academy Awards as done by that frat dude who was never seen without at least two popped collars and 64oz can of Keystone Ice.  Not pretty, but informative, as you will see by the slew of new gaming video goodness.

But we can't have a New Trailer Friday without a movie trailer, and while I recommend that you wait to see the following in three dimensions in front of Avatar this Friday, if you are like me a can't stand to wait for anything, check out this ridiculously exciting trailer for Iron Man 2.

Now whether you caved in and watched the Iron Man 2 trailer or not, keep on reading to check out trailers for the following highly anticipated games: Halo: Reach (!), Crackdown 2 (!!), Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 (!!!), Batman Arkham Asylum 2 (!!!!!!!!!!!).  

(For the record, one "!" equals one "dustin giddy fist pump")

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