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Entries in Ellen Page (1)


New Trailer Friday

Knight & Day + Inception trailer II

Break's over, time to get back into the swing of things, including that always somewhat reliable recurring column "New Trailer Friday" where I bring you a trailer for an upcoming film that is either too cool for words, or so hilariously bad that you would be remiss to miss it.  

Ok, "too cool for words" might be a bit strong for this first trailer, but I can't pass on chance to see Tom Cruise go Tom Cruise Crazy on the silver screen.  Knight & Day looks like fairly cliche premise, yet for some reason it seems fresher than your run-of-the-mill action spy comedy.  Maybe it's just my recent fascination with spotting them in modern cinema, but this is another perfect example of films trying to bring back that 80s/90s action comedy genre, and with other examples in the works like Sly Stalone's The Expendables, I couldn't be happier.

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